The living has a great hope, we have life to bounce back from any difficulty. The dead had no hope.

I am so thankful to God for His daily provisions, grace, strength, protection, guidance and blessing.

I have a spiritual journey on earth.Lord anoint and empower me to accomplish my great task on earth.

Faith is knowing that when life doesn’t go quite as planned, it is, in fact. exactly as planned.

The young must learn to appreciate the wisdom of elderly people and learn from their life experiences.

If you stay determined, the obstacles cannot stop your progress. You will triumph over every mountain.

When I was a child, I thought like a child.When I became adult, I seek a deeper understanding of life.

When you focus on your travel path, you will observe a divine power, guiding every step of the journey.

I hope and pray to live the gospel. It is light and life to all who desire this great spiritual awaken.

Never give up praying! God loves to hear you call upon Him. He will answer you in His beautiful timing.

You may slip but God isn't going to let you down. His loving arms will always be there to catch you.

Be thankful for the simple things and God's love and you will never be disappointed when life gets hard.

Every adversity is the fuel for the soul. The greatest self-realization occurs during the greatest adversity.

Dear God,Let the anointing and the power of the Holy Spirit be mighty upon me, so I can who you want me to be.

The Bible is God speaking to mankind. The more you read the Bible, the more you will hear God speaking to you.