We testify of what we have experienced and witnessed. May our testimony inspired others to share their story.

My greatest privilege is being married to a gentle loving husband. I am very grateful God made our path cross.

We must experience Heaven on earth;May your homes, surroundings and work places portray a safe clean environment.

Be thankful for what you have.Be thankful for what you wish you have.Be thankful for what you are capable of having.

Thank you Heavenly Father. You heard my petition. You have answered my plea.May your name be glorified and be praised.

May you be set free from all your fears.May you be saved from all your troubles.May you be rescued from every calamity.

Always look heavenward in any situation.Trust God to grant you the needed grace and strength to overcome the situation.

Awake my soul.Awake my spirit.Awake my desires.Awake my light.Awake my mind.Awake my hope.Awake my faith.Awake my love.

You must nurture the force within you. You are the only person that can behold the divine force for your divine purpose.

You should not think too much on things that do not work in your life, this can affect the gears of the things that work.

Countless possibilities exist in any situation. You must maintain a positive outlook to see the miraculous possibilities.

If you can dream it, you can make it a reality. The possibility lies in your ability, enthusiasm and hardwork to realise it.

Don’t be discouraged by life’s difficulties. With hope and determination, you can triumph over any difficulties.

Ten greatest gifts; love, joy, peace, patience, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

The danger of venturing into uncharted waters is not nearly as dangerous as staying on shore, waiting for your boat to come in.