Being with him made me want to make my own dreams, discover my own path. I was my best self when I was with him.

I have flown and fallen, and I have swum deep and drowned, but there should be more to love than "I survived it.

I jumped into a crowd full of "u"s they turned into underscores. Hit the pavement hard.” visualization words

As long as she was falling in love with me, I might as well start making her promises I didn't intend to keep.

He is my unicorn, though... That's how I felt falling in love with him, as if I'd found a creature of myth.

I have this uncanny knack of falling for the most irrelevant men,my love story would be comprising of short stories.

n order to capture someone's attention, you must allow them to have the mental and emotional space to let you in.

It is difficult to love someone who loves you, but easy to hate someone who loves you, and love someone who hates you.

To fall in love and to commit yourself to love means you should make your loved one the one thing you cherish the most.

His lips ever so gently touched mine, and suddenly I felt everything stirring inside me grow wings, let loose, and fly.

Falling in love is a subtle process, a connection sparked by attraction, tested by compatibility, and forged by memory.

Falling in love doesn't always lead to heartbreak, honey. With the right man, it can be a one-way ticket to paradise.

... i didn't fall in love of courseit's never up to youbut she was walking back and forthand i was passing through

Was there some basic flaw in her makeup that made her keep falling in love with this man who couldn’t love her back?

e the kiss in my hairthat no one seesmove, when i movesigh, when i that line from a poemthat i hold in my eyes.