From the deepest silence between us arose uncertain, utterly vague and, as it were, whispered varieties on the theme ‘smile’.

She smiled, and her eyes started to drift downward. "Cather..." Back up to his eyes."You know that I'm falling in love with you, right?

You reminded me what it feels like to love. You made me fall in love and, fuck, I don't want to lose that. I don't want to lose you.

Love can be expressed in a myriad of different methods, but the most timeless and most treasured will always remain the classic love letter.

Always try to come back to your senses when in love, because that's the moment you become almost carried away by sensuality and sentiments.

The term ‘fell in love’ is apt, because it implies there is pain in the discovery. I didn’t ‘land softly in love’.

Then he kissed her so deeply and so completely that she felt like she was falling, floating, spiraling down, down, down, like Alice in Wonderland.

I don't want to fall in love with you,' she said, pushing away. 'why not?''because you'll just end up using it against me.

Then she sighed. Just the faintest, softest release of breath. The sound swept through his chest like a hurricane, with the force to topple trees.

Have you ever watched a leaf leave a tree? It falls upward first, and then it drifts toward the ground, just as I find myself drifting towards you.

You’ll probably fall in & out of love at least a dozen times…the wrong way…to love THAT ONE…the right way…YOU!

Falling in love is like falling from a high cliff into a warm silky sea, the falling is like flying and the landing is like a glimpse of the divine.

You will always be left with how you feel about other people, if you don't just take in the way you think and tell them how you feel about them.

What Ann Druyan said: Compressed into a minute-long segment, the brain waves of a woman newly in love sound like a string of firecrackers exploding.

Such a pity, really; the prey falling for the predator. The victim in love with the killer... A mere mortal girl thinking a demon was capable of love.