Parents are like Kingdom, Your are the King.No matter where you stand, how Great n Rich you are!A King Is Always Known By His Kingdom.

I am here for readers to see parts of themselves during my dark days, but also for a better way of living in my triumphs and gained wisdom.

Twenty years after we had left so fierce and proud, we were all right back where we had started, yoked to each other and the same old drama.

Families living in dysfunction seldom have healthy boundaries. Dysfunctional families have trouble knowing where they stop and others begin.

There are many things for which I owe gratitude to my dad. Most of all, I am grateful to the only man who could love my mother more than me.

Sometimes opposites attract, or so they say, but Paloma and Rocío were like arroz and mangú: they didn’t really mix well.

Family’s the luck of the draw, Lena. What you make of yourself, because of or despite it, that’s where the spine and heart come in.

She took comfort in the familiarity of his smell, knowing that if she lost all her possessions and her home, at least she would have her family.

Family we cannot always choose, but it sure is fun to try and make them laugh during dinners. Especially when they are trying to eat their soup.

Children become frustrated and resentful when they view their parents as not being interested “in how they feel and in their point of view.

Often the right path is the one that may be hardest for you to follow. But the hard path is also the one that will make you grow as a human being.

With love like that, you can't get pick about how it finds you or the details. All that matters is that it's there. Better late than never.

Scorned and torn, former love mates aim and shoot childish devastating daggers that penetrate beyond target to pierce the heart of their offspring.

And when he died, I suddenly realized I wasn't crying for him at all, but for the things he did. I cried because he would never do them again...

Though I may accumulate a great deal of riches in this world, it is only my wealth of knowledge, talents, and emotional bonds that I keep when I leave.