But wasn't there some sort of rule that said parents had to be smarter than their kids? It didn't seem fair.

Family isn't blood," she said bitterly, continuing to back away. "Family is who loves you, who takes care of you.

The world doesn't owe you anything because you're in it, but you owe yourself the world because it is in you.

When you love someone, show them in words AND deeds. To hear you're loved is nice but to feel loved is incredible.

She knew her place in this family, always had. Knew why she was conceived. And it wasn't for a photo on the mantle.

Is that what love is all about? Needing them to come back to you when they're away? To come home and keep you safe?

I think what a family is shouldn't be so hard to see. It should be the one thing people know just by looking at you.

I know you're no worse than most men but I thought you were better. I never saw you as a man. I saw you as my father.

Miz Ellen, what do you carry in that handbag of yours that has enough wallop to knock down a full-grown man? - Dan Landry

However hard and however long we love someone who has died, they can never love us back. At least that is how it feels...

Sisters and brothers just happen, we don't get to choose them, but they become one of our most cherish relationships.

Substitute the word gay for straight and she's the exact same pain in the neck kid sister she was before she told us.

Strengthen the weak, for mother nature provides ways to strengthen you; and that's beauty of life we need one another.

...it isn’t things and proximity, or even blood that holds us all together. What makes a family is love and loyalty.

Keep one thing in your mind; your school & friends can never teach you properly ,"how to be a good husband & father.