Chairs have legs. Four of them, like my father. Meow.

A father is the template of a man Nature gives a girl

No love is greater than that of a father for His son.

You may be my new princess. But your mama is my queen.

I always wanted that close relationship with my father.

He looks a hell of a lot like me, only a fair bit older.

Jesus is more interested in your heart than your ministry.

Tough times don't define you, they refine you. ‪

No role brings greater joy or blessing than being a parent.

Sounds have smells. Your father smells, and he’s noisy.

I saw my father as a man, and not, as a man who was my father.

God is the only book that can never be touched, open and seen.

... your father has two secrets. You, Kip are not one of them.

He nodded and leaned down to kiss me. I let him, Dad be damned.

Don't focus on the mountain; focus on the mountain mover!" HS/el