Your mind is a blue sky where without fear you can fly.

When you explore your fears then you set yourself free.

When you have mastered fear then you have mastered all.

Cosmic Ordering is absent in body but present in spirit.

To make Cosmic Ordering work you have to start using it.

Failure is a detour on the way to using Cosmic Ordering.

You have enough courage to face even your greatest fear.

Fear will do one thing and one thing only: hold you back

The soldiers in my life had raised the bar for bad guys.

Don’t just wish you were rich, use Cosmic Ordering.

With Cosmic Ordering you will never eat humble pie again.

To live for your dreams, you have to be fearless in life.

There are more triumphs than defeats with Cosmic Ordering.

When you are no longer afraid is when you can be yourself.

Security is not having things, it’s handling things.