Defeat the warriors of patience and time with Cosmic Ordering.

May we know fear, but may we always refuse to court cowardice.

The mode by which the impossible is reached is Cosmic Ordering.

In the beginning man was poor, then along came Cosmic Ordering.

The fastest way to double your money is to use Cosmic Ordering.

Lord gives even more grace, so you can endure the test of time.

I am facing a challenge, I am not facing defeat. Remember this.

With Cosmic Ordering life is a field of unlimited possibilities.

A man may fail many times, and then he turns to Cosmic Ordering.

Wealth creation is 10% of what you know and 90% Cosmic Ordering.

Change your life! Wake up and smell the Cosmic Ordering success.

When all around you are losing their heads, use Cosmic Ordering.

I don't think you should wait. I think you should speak now.

With Cosmic Ordering you can keep your luxuries and ask for more.

You didn’t fail, you just didn’t use Cosmic Ordering.