A feeling is not bottomless. once felt all the way through,a great peace greets you there

It is not the dream of what you're feeling laziness, if not, the sleep of exhaustion.

The feeling that the world is full of people who think different is synonymous with wrong.

Love may start out as a good feeling, but to love someone long-term is an act of the will.

I could not escape a feeling that this was my own funeral, and you do not cry in that case.

Love is the most amazing feeling in the world. Let me double check. Yep, love is a feeling.

How do you feel?”He rubbed his stomach. “Like I’ve been eating Styrofoam.

I felt like some part of my soul was ripped out and put under a microscope for criticizing.

To be intuitive is to possess a godly characteristic, to be bad at second-guessing the good.

Explaining how much I you is like explaining how the water tastes from the drops of the rain

The emotions attached to them were like sand castles in the tide, slowly washing out to sea.

We should never let another person get under our skin to the point that we feel hate for them

I don't want to be the one who says life is beautiful. I want to be the one who feels it.

Pretending to feel something you don't can often lead you to the real thing, in some form.

I don't think there's a lonelier feeling than being with someone who has stopped caring.