Compromise is a word found only in the vocabulary of those who have no will to fight.

In fight, by 'knowing what to do next', element of surprise can be overcomed.

Mtu akikutukana mwambie asante. Akikupiga mwambie asante. Akiendelea kukupiga, pigana.

Come on. Stand up. Get up. Don't give up. Never give up. Never never ever give up!

Ours was a history of well intentioned beginnings that end with a fight at every turn.

why we need to be strong?because we have to fight.with whom?people?nature?or within us?

The most powerful tools of revolution through intention are humility and consciousness.

Do not take someone's silence as his pride,perhaps he is busy fighting with his self

The only depth where I can breathe, and don't need to fight for air, is in your love.

Armon stared into the wild darkness of his opponent and saw a reflection of his own fall.

The inner fight never does any dead. (Le combat intérieur - Ne fait jamais de mort)

Soul connections are not often found and are worth every bit of fight left in you to keep.

There is no honor in sending men to die for something you won't even fight for yourself

Lupta reușește mai ales acelora, care iubesc mai mult lupta decât succesul.

Life is, at times, tough...And all we need to do is to prove that we are tougher than it...