fight with fear- can possible by passing through it with courage.

To fight against one's desires is the greatest of all fights.

Every solider believes in war till the time he actually fights it.

I would rather fight with my pain or end up with self destruction.

We are our best friend and our worst enemy we will ever fight with.

My nature has always been to fight. My faith forces me to forgive.

Keep your head up and your hopes high, friend; anything is possible.

Do battle against prejudice and discrimination wherever you find it.

This is everyone's fight. Becauseit's everyone's future.

If you don't fight for him, you lose! Fight for him!~Nana Osaki

* The revolution of consciousness is connected to the food revolution

You cannot win everyday, but make sure u win, at-least once in a while.

Losers doesn't require a miracle to Win.They just keep on fighting.

Wakati ndege inapaa huwa inapambana na upepo. Lakini inapaa, hata hivyo.

your heart is a weapon the size of your fist. keep fighting. keep loving