Never contend with a man who has nothing to lose.

Wer davonläuft kann später kämpfen.

I always bring a stick of butter to a knife fight.

I rather fight for light then to go blind in night.

If the heroes run and hide, who will stay and fight?

How can one fight for a love that acts as the enemy?

I’m a combat specialist and marriage counselor.

It matters not what you fight but what you fight for.

The greatest war we fight is the one within ourselves.

Always you have to train yourself to swim with sharks.

Andrew had a gift for deepening the incision he began.

If the enemy looks just like you, how do you fight him?

That feeling when you know you're being fought for.

Anger prepares us to fight and fear prepares us to flee.

I was about to run, possibly fight, definitely scream...