When you don't know where you are going in life (No Clear Destination), you don't need direction... you need Divine Revelation

Here, there's no anger, no loss, not even fear. When he's battling, everything has a crystal clarity, just action and reaction.

Your total intelligence knows how to accomplish astounding feats. You just need a clear objective. Get clear. You will surprise yourself!

The author explores the result of endless choice. It is not only overload, but a profound loss of unity, solidity, and coherence in life.

Create your own miracles, don't just wait for miracles to happen. Infinite possibilities exist by keeping focus on what you really want.

When one learns to focus energy through surrender and sensitivity, they become free, and can access the expansiveness of endless possibility.

Own 100 percent of your focus. The most challenging of endurance drills will bring you to a level of optimal mental and physical performance.

The difference between successful people and very successful people is that very successful people say “no” to almost everything.

I live life unaffected by the evils. If anything, satan is aggravating. Spiritual warfare is serious but it's game-like you already know.

As long as you allow your past to haunt you, you'll never be free to pursue your future. You won't even be able to focus on your present.

Gratitude is not something idyllic that comes when all good things line up to be counted. Gratitude is there all the time waiting to be focused on.

A downfall isn't in any way the end of your journey. Get back up and channel your time, energy, and focus back on the path to the victory line.

The camera has always been a guide, and it's allowed me to see things and focus on things that maybe an average person wouldn't even notice.

Yesterday's shortcuts are today's nightmares. The race is quicker when we're stricter. Keep your eyes on today, and declare what you may.

To live a happy life, you must make it your daily responsibility to frequently focus only on the things that make you mentally and physically stronger.