Debriefing-style counseling after a trauma often aggravates a victim's stress-related symptoms, for example, and 4 in 10 bereaved people do better without grief therapy.

My nails clawed against the smooth tiles as I pushed up onto my hands and knees. I rose unsteadily to my feet.Speed is my ally. Breathe. In and out. Focus. Time is my power.

What we focus on guides our experience; it shapes itself into our thoughts, embodies our feelings and our expands beliefs.Master your attention, so your can master your world.

Happiness is a feeling that can never be created without constantly reminding yourself about the things that are good in your life instead of the things that are bad about it.

We don't treat Jesus like a puppy, soaking in his excitement over our coming home and then leading him back to stay in the laundry room when we go out to begin another day.

I didnt pay atteniton to times or distance, instead focusing on how it felt just to be in motion, knowing it wasn't about the finish line but how I got there that mattered.

Personal growth does not require a pre-qualification from anyone; pre-qualify yourself towards your potential; your mind and faith will start propelling your focus in that direction.

No one has ever changed the outcomes of the future by constantly worrying about it. Therefore, your goal should be to always focus on the present and give it all that you have in you.

Everyone has their own life. You can do important things in your life. We should focus on how to better ourselves and help society. Don’t allow little things to distract you.

If you're being bombarded with information, the act of looking for patterns – not necessarily finding them – is what going to give you psychic refuge, a sense of sanctuary.

[Everything you write is] not simply a collection of words, but a means of influence not to be taken lightly. Let your recipient's emotions be the gondola, and your words, its gondolier.

Focusing is the great secret of power. If you want to use your full amount of focus, you must close down all other thought and direct your power of generating mental steam toward one outcome.

Quite often it's not about what is said, but what isn't. And even when it's spoken, read between the lines. Listening with the heart is just as important as hearing with the mind.

Everybody listens to me with a focus on my words. This is a mistake. The words are the vehicle to deliver an idea. Always listen to the idea, it's more valid then any words that I can use.

Personally, I’m choosing to dwell upon the glory of the kingdom of which I am a part, even though I’m still a witness and sometimes a victim of the junk in ‘this’ world.