He who asks a question is a fool for 5 minutes, He who never asks is a fool forever.

Chanu spoke loudly, he weighed his words like gold and threw them about like a fool.

Any darn fool can make something complex; it takes a genius to make something simple.

The biggest fool is one who minds the business of others rather than minding his very own

Some concepts are so incredibly risky they take an honest fool to try to articulate them.

When enemies, the intellect and the heart only see one another as the hater and the fool.

The only thing more frustrating than slanderers is those foolish enough to listen to them.

Cucullus non facit monachum; that’s as much to say, as I wear not motley in my brain.

We don't have education, we have inspiration; if I was educated I would be a damn fool.

I still believe that peace and plenty and happiness can be worked out some way. I am a fool.

Foolish people inflict pain upon them self which is worse than what an enemy can bring upon.

Well, God give them wisdom that have it; and those that are fools, let them use their talents.

You can’t make silly people stay away from you; all you can do is staying away from them.

Luthicer hummed. "You're either brave or very foolish." "What's the difference?" (Eric)

If it is ones lot to be cast among fools, one must learn foolishness.-The Count of Monte Cristo