There are not enough days in forever to allow me to fully express the depth of my love for you.

Everybody's trying to make every minute of the present last forever. Preserve every second.

I don't want to hide. I want to slow dance with you again. I want to dance with you forever.

I knew why love was always described with eternity. A single minute stretched out for lifetimes.

Even though you're not by me side, Night, you will forever be my first man, my Zettai Kareshi

It's a rare gift to understand that your life is wondrous, and that it won't last forever.

Siempre. Ese es el máximo tipo de roto. El tipo de daño del cual nunca te recuperas.

Emma is not a person; Emma is a place that you get stuck in; Emma is a pain that you cannot erase.

One of the greatest gifts of life is having a chance to live as long as there are people on earth.

I knew from the start we were nothing like "forever". Maybe because forever is such a scary place.

Always write to change society for the better.You will go, but it will live as a treasure forever.

Because you’re not a one-night girl, Irish.” (...) “You’re my forever girl.

Not now” easily grows to become “never”; You either do it now or lose it forever!

Always write to change society for the better. You will go, but it will live forever as a treasure.

People die, I think, but your relationship with them doesn't. It continues and is ever-changing.