Live and love yourself forever, because we are all stuck with what we are.

I have been your draft for my whole life, let me in or discard me forever.

Your mind is a key, and whatever it unlocks, the greatest treasure of all.

Unconditional love, is love, regardless anything; attainable or impossible.

Some of us have hearts, you know. Some of us don't give up on true love.

Yesterday, today, tomorrow and maybe forever, living and leaving without you.

This is eternity, Antanasia," he said, both warning and imploring. "Eternity.

If this was my forever, I didn't want to spend another second of it here.

Forever isn't important-it's now that counts. Doing the right thing.

the day and night has a game of life to get unlimited joy within us forever .

I could lay here and stare at him forever. I don’t want to let go. Ever.

Part of me shall dwell in my daughter to call upon in times of need of course.

I was made and meant to look for you and wait for you and become yours forever.

Immortality doesn't fit with death,as mortal doesn't fit with eternity.

Sublime moments refracted,Even if only for seconds,Caught forever in your soul.