Never make friends with people who are above or below you in status. Such friendships will never give you any happiness.

Delusions are hardly an escape from reality. It’s a way of understanding insane people living in a backwards world.

I don't need... this kind of power! If you want me to inherit such mistakes... Then, I... I WILL WIPE OUT THE VONGOLA!

I never considered a difference of opinion in politics, in religion, in philosophy, as cause for withdrawing from a friend.

Beauty is not who you are on the outside, it is the wisdom and time you gave away to save another struggling soul, like you.

The mind of man can only teach what he has learned from others. It is how you use that knowledge that will decide who you are.

...friends were more important than lovers - not least for the fact that friendships generally lasted longer than relationships.

I may not be the coolest and friendliest person you ever met but I promise you that I Will be the bravest person to fight for you

Honesty is vulnerability. Sadly, not everyone can handle someone’s honesty. However, lying allows people to be comfortable.

Always remember that you were once alone, and the crowd you see in your life today are just as unecessary as when you were alone.

Money is just a form of trade to buy your wants, but it cannot be there for your needs in as much as the loving people around you.

People don’t buy products—they buy people. It’s called slavery. I mean networking. It’s called networking.

I think how breakups can bring out the worst in the best people, and part of being upset is mouthing off crap you don’t mean.

So it’s all right for him to rule out a serious relationship, but it’s wrong if I’m not ready to settle for less?

Everyone wants to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down.