The battle you are going through is not fueled by the words or actions of others; it is fueled by the mind that gives it importance.

If you do not have a close friendship with your children, I will.--Child Molester warning all parents from the book Type 1 Sociopath

You don’t have to say everything to be a light. Sometimes a fire built on a hill will bring interested people to your campfire.

One scoop of ice cream can go a long way. Not to mending friendships, but it can get up to 40 yards in the air if you lob it just right.

Wouldn't you like to be my lord Duke of Exeter? Come on, Dom. Say something.""You have lost your mind.""Say something less insulting.

Disconnect yourself from people who cannot add five to your ten words, because, sooner or later, you won't be able to say even a word.

Don't take the time you spend with your friends for granted because by the time they're gone you'll have a mountain of regrets

Dismantle your friend to see how he behaves. If he smiles with a beautiful grin, then take him back, he's worthy to be called a friend.

Funny how an absence can feel like a presence, like that space practically glows with her outline and make me notice how she's not here.

Some women pray for their daughters to marry good husbands. I pray that my girls will find girlfriends half as loyal and true as the Ya-Yas.

It was weird the way you could be friends with someone but not really know the ugly parts of their lives. We all had our secrets, I supposed.

When it comes to making friends, it is never about how many that you have, but about the kind of energy that they bring. Please choose wisely.

Sometimes the bridges you burn light the way out of your darkness, but the memory of the blaze will be burned into your heart and mind forever.

When someone you love makes compassion, kindness, forgiveness, respect and God an option, you can be sure they have made you an option, as well.

Don't focus on who let you down. Appreciate who lifted you up. Don't focus on who darkened your days. Appreciate who brightened them.