The ability to recognise and respect individual differences is the beginning of successful relationship

Every woman is well aware of the deadly ingredients of her soul which is why they all detest each other.

Your tears are never invisible---there is always an insecure woman that lights up when you point them out.

Because of propaganda induced cognitive dissonance, most people hate themselves and don't even know it.

To believe in the truth of Christ is to be introduced to another form of hatred, and that is not sharing Him.

It's better to have loved and lost than never love at all - I doubt that sorry statement every time I fall.

Her hatred glittered irresistibly. I could see it, the jewel, it was sapphire, it was the cold lakes of Norway.

Like hatred, guilt can’t be locked in the silence of forgetting, without taking part of your soul with it.

The employed are punished by having to do what they do not love. The self-employed are punished by the opposite.

As we grow in holiness, we grow in hatred of sin; and God, being infinitely holy, has an infinite hatred of sin.

People who prefer to believe the worst of others will breed war and religious persecutions while the world lasts.

Hatred is the price that society extracts from its leaders for the honour, power and wealth it bestows unto them.

Capote I truly loathed. The way you might loathe an animal. A filthy animal that has found its way into the house.

It takes courage to live in the midst of hate. And it requires strength to keep that hatred from eating your soul.

Projection from the beginning of time
White women with a passionate horns
Butchered yet another beloved