Long standing hatred between a man and a woman is just unspoken attraction that has bruised egos.

Aren't you getting tired of people hating one another? What do they think they get out of it?

Why do you hate me so much?To be honest, I don't know why,but I really hate to feel this way.

Racism is dead only to those who've closed their eyes and ears to the whole world around them.

Hatred is as easy as slipping on a well-worn woolen cloak. If only it provided the comfort of one.

Some friends are like sunny days, with false flames, oozing from afar, coming near without a dime.

I have not met this person, and yet I hate him more than anything, for in him is everything I hate.

Hatred and food were served up in equal proportions at the Connor dining table as he was growing up.

The only real conflict you will ever have in your life won’t be with others, but with yourself.

the kiss and the bite are such close cousins that in the heat of love they are too readily confounded

It’s been raining outside and I feel like a sad saint, hating Satan’s pissing on the roof.

The major problem of the world is, most of the people are unjustifiably angry and very few are loving.

All this miraculous hatred. Christ, a man can't eat his breakfast for filling his belly full of it.

It's hard to imagine hate that I am facing from allover the world yet I am not alone with mistakes.

Devil has to offer many diabolical grimaces: One of these caricatures is prejudice, it stirs up hatred.