A sight to touch e’en hatred’s self with pity.

Hate's ultimate victory is to make us dependent on it.

I love Hitler for his leadership, but I abhor his actions.

Before you hate something you should try to understand it.

The truth is considered hatred by those who hate the truth.

Have you ever noticed how good things go to those who hate?

I don't hate you.. I just don't like that you exist

Dear God, I must be dead and in hell since you're here.

You don't even care enough about us to hate us, do you?

You can't hate the roots of a tree and not hate the tree.

Gregory: Go to hell.Dane: I'd be glad to leave you in it.

Proper deformity shows not in the fiendSo horrid as in woman.

Fear, ignorance, and hatred - these are the trinity of malice.

Never waste a minute thinking about people you don't like.

Often those that criticise others reveal what he himself lacks.