All crimes, all hatreds, all wars can be reduced to unhappiness.

But you can only go so long being angry before you learn to hate.

Hatred does not help us alleviate our pain even in the slightest.

If you want to strengthen an enemy and make him exult - hate him.

One day we shall all face the truth and reality that we all hate.

When you hate give him chance mastering your heart.

Let them express their anger and hatred; listen to them and smile.

Why do they hate us?" He paused. "We didn't do anything wrong.

If love is what is held to make us immortal, hatred is the reverse.

Sometimes the people we love make us hate some other people we love.

Henry wondered not for the first time if her blood ran red or black.

We always learn more from those whom we hate than those whom we love.

Hatred begins to emerge like love and it's not too far from love.

Enemies are the people who think about you more than your friends do.

Men don't hate anything if there's no hatred in their hearts.