Go to the edge of the cliff and jump off. Build your wings on the way down.--Ray Bradbury

Humans will never be in charge of this world, as long as dust and weeds do as they please.

Of all God’s creatures, only man kills with malice. Only man kills out of vengeance.

Jennings is too tough and honest a writer to let anyone off her moral hook, even her hero.

True vice, my lady, would frighten us all, if it did not wear the mask of virtue. (p.56)

I stop to brace myself against the walls, which are painted with the fingerprints of family.

The empire long united must divide, long divided must unite; this is how it has always been.

Don't you understand brother? I want to find a love...that will free me from this love...

Their eyes locked.They could see into each other's souls. This was why she had been born.

The urge to draw near to the female silhouette resided deep in the ancient center of a man...

I do not want to be a relative and passive being, anywhere. I want to live and love and write.

They would never forget the war. The world wouldn’t let them, and neither would history.

Good men are often more practical than pretty " said Mother. "Andrius just happens to be both.

Cowan son of Branieucc, you're the only one of my people that I know for sure still lives.

Their eyes locked.They could see into each other's souls. This was why she had been bored.