What I was caught up in, I dimly understood, was the embodiment of history

Before I disappear behind the door, I stop and turn around to look at him.

It's history as it should have happened. It's history made better.

‎"He smiled at me and I felt the tenderness only a daughter could feel.

Septimus grinned. "It's not coins I seek. I seek the power of Hercules.

A book is a wonderful present. Though it may grow worn, it will never grow old.

Mama says love is a sickness of the heart. Only the weak fall under its spell.

lightning thief was good but the sea of monsters is better and has more action!

I said to my mother, Henry VII is interesting. No he's not, my mother said.

Catch on fire with enthusiasm, and people will come for miles to watch you burn

War’s all either country knows, and everything seems to depend on it now.

Please do not mistake me for a twopenny villain. I do nothing without a purpose.

A man should not glory in what he already knows but in what he has yet to learn.

The problem with living so long is that you see too many people pass before you.

Everything burns if the flame is hot enough. The world is nothing but a crucible.