Go back to bed, Cowan. I want no promises from you.

The end is but a new beginning for the eternal "Ba.

How can one fight for a love that acts as the enemy?

Sonetimes the hardest person to forgive is yourself.

Great job, you just executed Ben Franklin! - Otto Ray

Why write about the past? Well, there's more of it.

Like billiard balls colliding our courses were altered.

Anybody can make history; only a great man can write it.

As people's hopes soared, Jana felt a tinge of fear.

When giving up is not an option, you survive at any cost.

I am afraid of him now. The one I love most in the world.

I offer you your life, friend, and recommend you take it.

Why else do we write and write except to move our readers?

Where do you go when you die twice-lest a thousand deaths?

Moron, your bus is leaving-from Groundhogs Day Bill Murray