...homosexuality is the direct result of chastity in women.

Sometimes, the choices we make have devastating consequences

I'm learning not to hope for what I can't control...

All that I was and the world that was mine are gone forever.

The greatest gift you can give an author is turning the page.

She is a jewel far richer than a mountain of coin could bring!

... all that that I learn just teaches me that I know nothing.

Everything changes except human behavior and its consequences.

... every monarch needs a blow on the head, from time to time.

Some ghosts are so quiet you would hardly know they were there.

How easy it is to do wrong when there is someone else to blame.

It was all her doing. She had cried wolf and the wolf had come.

Why are you perpetuating a childhood you grew up despising? Pg 57

It seemed the heavens themselves conspired to cover up our crime.

Oh, she's still here;she's just not as pretty... anymore.