Thinking back on the outing to the theatre, she added, ‘I want a man, not a preening peacock!

...ali ljubav u srcu - to je zvijezda gore na nebu. Skriva se u noći, ali utrnuti ne može...

This man was no servant. She looked up at him in acute agitation and knew: this man was now her master.

I'll love you until I'm ashes in the dirt beneath the Earth. Then, I'll love you even more.

Like a sparrow in its flitting, like a swallow in its flying, a curse that is causeless does not alight.

Being a pioneering reformer is all fine and good, but it does leave one terribly in want of agood party!

I’ve never heard of a man being so eager to confess to the parent of a girl he’s just ruined

Otkud bi ljudi upoznali pravednost? Gdje bi našli tu riječ da nisu upoznali bivstvo pravice?

If I die," he whispered in the dark, "dinna follow me. The bairns will need ye. Stay for them. I can wait.

There is no shame in being illiterate. One need only feel ashamed when one denies the opportunity to learn.

Think of this- that the writer wrote alone, and the reader read alone, and they were alone with each other.

Those who prosper by thievery, thuggery, or by ruining another, have chosen to live on the devil's dime.

Win told me that one isn’t improved by being at the top of the mountain, one is improved by the climb.

Jadna mudrost koja traga za vječnom mladošću, a nije ni pokušala tražiti dobrotu.

Ruth wiped her eyes. Successful at a price? Forgiven but damaged? She wished so much more for her baby sister.