Pain is in the mind. And, in my mind, ma chérie … I was withyou.

Zadana riječ nije batak kojemu se oglođe meso, a kost se baci psetu.

Mama says love is a sickness of the heart. Only the weak fall under its spell.

Lord Carradice managed to look wicked, smug, and saintly, all at the same time.

A fiery little cat you are, Caecelia. Like a lioness in heat, oh how you bloom.

Upamtite: ni jedna opačina na svijetu ne može ostati nekažnjena.

Bori se oružjem kojim te napadaju. Lukavost se izbija lukavošću.

I've tried to deny it even to myself...My heart and soul are filled with you.

The sun had just slipped behind the trees and evening cast its dark, smoky shadow.

The heavy smell of incense gave me an uneasy feeling as if I had walked into a tom

Every word you have ever uttered, is engraved upon my heart.-Lazarus to his mother.

Tell them I have the headache--no, the plague! I need something nice and contagious.

Laž u koju ljudi vjeruju isto je tako strahovita kao samo počinjeno djelo.

Keep the guests company, and mind your asses! Stay out of the hall before my chamber!

Usne mogu reći sve što nikad nije osjetila duša ni pomislila misao.