We must go to the laboratory at once. I have some cannabis.

Even the best laid plans turn to hell when exposed to reality

The only death I fear is the one I fell when we're apart.

Where is your Revolutionary spirit?""Beheaded," Celeste said.

No matter where she went, God was her family. He was her hope.

Klonuo je pored njezinih nogu kao pas pred nogama gospodara...

The strength was always in you. All you had to do was find it.

She is a jewel far richer than a mountain of coin could bring!

Dobro srce katkad je čovjeku i narodu jedini neprijatelj.

Gdje se biju rođena braća, tamo nema više doma.

Have you always been this skilled with women?" - Joseph to Iain

He rose up like a languid god after devouring a bountiful feast.

Riječi nisu dokazi. Tko osjeća, zna dokazati i djelima.

I want to be your lover. Burn your list, Jane. Let me be the one.

The workings of the male mind are twisted indeed." Winnifred Crane