How could you love us being together?" he asked me "We are nothing alike and we are not meant for each other and we drive each other crazy, you love that? How can you love that?" So I told him "I know that we're not meant for each other, that we drive each other crazy, and that we are so different. But that's us. That's what we have; a wild nonsense. We are not good together, but together we are bad for each other. I love us together this way just like this. Because even if it's no good, it's what we have! It's us.

Kila binadamu hapa duniani ni wa thamani kubwa. Chochote utakachofanya, kizuri au kibaya, kidogo au kikubwa, kitabadilisha maisha ya watu. Ukiwa na msingi mzuri kwa mwanao ataishi vizuri atakapokuwa mkubwa, atakuwa na uwezo mkubwa wa kuacha dunia katika hali nzuri kuliko alivyoikuta. Ukiwa na msingi mbaya kwa mwanao ataishi vibaya atakapokuwa mkubwa, atakuwa na uwezo mdogo wa kuacha dunia katika hali nzuri kuliko alivyoikuta. Kuwa mkarimu kwa mazingira, kuwa mkarimu kwa wanyama, kuwa mkarimu kwa binadamu wenzako, kwa faida ya vizazi vijavyo.

خداکونہ توکُفرسےنفرت ہےاورناہی کافرسےکیونکہ نفرت اُن چِیزوں سےکی جاتی ہےجن پراختیارنہ ہو

We poetically construct our identity as human beings, together with our values, largely through reciprocal relationships with animals. They provide us with essential points of reference, as well as illustrations of the qualities that we may choose to emulate or avoid in ourselves. Any major change in our relationships with animals, individual or collective, reverberates profoundly in our character as human beings, in ways that go far beyond immediately pragmatic concerns. When a species becomes extinct, something perishes in the human soul as well.

From a historical point of view, restricting the availability of addictive substances must be seen as a peculiarly perverse example of Calvinist dominator thought - a system in which the sinner is to be punished in this world by being transformed into an exploitable, of his cash, by the criminal/governmental combine that provides the addicitve substances. The image is more horrifying than that of the serpent that devours itself - it is once again the Dionysian image of the mother who devours her children, the image of a house divided against itself.

To better understand God we must first shatter our own idea of God - maybe even day after day. Maybe he's too great to stay compressed in the human mind. Maybe he splits it wide open; this is why pretentious intellectualism so often fails to comprehend the concept of God: it is only accepting of what it can explain while in the process finding higher sources offensive. What we may confidently assert is that faith is the opening that allows God, this unpredictable, unseen power, to travel in and out of the mind without all the pains of confusion.

All beings so far have created something beyond themselves; and do you want to be the ebb of this great flood and even go back to the beasts rather than overcome man? What is the ape to man? A laughingstock or a painful embarrassment. And man shall be just that for the overman: a laughingstock or a painful embarrassment… (…) Man is a rope, tied between beast and overman—a rope over an abyss… What is great in man is that he is a bridge and not an end: what can be loved in man is that he is an overture and a going under…

We sow the seed. We watch the plant grow. We take care of it. And when it become a tree, we kill it to make our furniture. And still the plant doesn’t know we exists or why we killed it because it doesn’t have senses like us to feel, see and hear. But that doesn’t mean we didn’t exists. The same happens with God, he exists but we don’t have senses to approve its existence to someone who have same senses as that of us. But we know someone has a reason out there for all the events of the Universe and for the existence of Universe itself.

People never like pollution, it has become very wrong to like pollution at all. But just like there are good and bad things about people, there are good and bad things about pollution. If people were pollution we would get rid of anyone who was different, anyone who was considered an inconvenience… but we’d be getting rid of a life, a lot of lives… because we didn’t like them. If pollution was a person would we still be trying to get rid of it? Would we have environmentalists still complaining and protesting and trying to get rid of all pollution?

سنوات المراهقه في حياة كل انسان (وانسانه) هي سنوات ضائعه لا معنى لها مسروقة من الطفولة والرجولة معا.

Bah!” Magnus scoffed. “Humans always blame dwarves. A baby goes missing and it was a dwarf that stole it. A princess runs off with a second son of a king and it was a dwarf who lured her to a deep prison. And when they find her with the prince—lo, she was rescued!“A king is stabbed in the back in his own chapel, and a princess’s toweris turned into a death trap,” Royce called back to them. “Friends arebetrayed and trapped in a prison—yes, I can see your surprise. Where do they get such ideas?”“Damn his elven ears,” Magnus said.

إن عبادة الإله الواحد وحدها ستقرب الانسان من السلام الذي يتكلم عليه الجميع ولايفعل أحد شيئاً لتحقيقه.

Nyota ni kipaji, kipawa, takdiri, karama, au uweza; ni kiashiria cha rohoni kinachoonyesha mtu atakuwa nani baadaye, mafanikio ya mtu, au takdiri ya maisha ya mwanadamu. Unabii na nyota ya ufalme ni kibali cha Mungu katika maisha ya mtu. Kupata kibali hicho, tembea na watu sahihi katika maisha yako (tembea na watu ambao Mungu amekuchagulia kushika funguo za takdiri ya maisha yako). Tamka na kukiri kibali cha Mungu katika maisha yako yote. Panda mbegu za kibali cha Mungu katika udongo wa maisha yako. Jifunze kutenda mema bila malipo, kwani wema ni mbegu ya kibali cha Mungu. Jali mambo ya ufalme wa Mungu.

Najčovekolikiji od svih živih bića nisu ljudi, nego oni koji hoće da budu ljudi. Ljudi ponekad mogu biti najmanje čovekoliki. Čovek može biti samo onaj koji hoće da bude čovek. Ako tog htenja nema u nama, čovek se ne pojavljuje, ostaje nedosegnut, unutra i spolja. Čovek može da bude samo onaj koji sve podređuje htenju da što više liči na čoveka, da u sebi i sobom što više približi čoveštvu. Znaš, nije čovek mera čovekolikosti, nego je čovekolikost mera čoveka.

He got worse as the night wore on. Tessa tried not to think about the wound, tried not to think about what she was going to do if he died and left her alone. Instead, she concentrated on doing what she could to keep the fever down and keep him comfortable, dragging a chair over to the side of the bed when she became too weary to stay awake any longer and dozing in it for short respites.Toward morning, he began to thrash about on the bed, muttering. She bathed his heated skin again and finally climbed into bed beside him. He quieted when she pulled his head against her breasts and stroked his hair soothingly.