This is what I will do from now; I will hurt you.

It hurts because there is no alternative to Love.

The truth hurts but a lie will eventually as well

I can be hurt, she said, only by people I respect.

Hurts are just alerts, to rise above through love.

It is better being the victim then the victimizer.

I was emotionally scarred we could not get it away

its better to get hurt now than to get hurt later.

Hurt. Enough to want to make someone else hurt too.

Being in love with your best friend is problematic.

I'm a cactus but I will only offer you flowers.

It's impossible to live without hurting others.

But everyone has some kind of power to hurt people.

As long as it still hurts, it isn’t love yet.

Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far.