I lost myself in the burden of trying to be your savior.

Everybody, he mused had everything worked out. Except me

Whenever, I think It's Over But I find Its begin.....

Because she was a blank mural and you wrote all over her.

I may not understand your situation but I understand hurt

People who stop laughing are always the ones who get hurt.

There is no burden in love, because love is always selfish

I still own my heart, which I know because it hurts so much.

It is always the one closest to you that hurts you the most.

But when a cut is deep, it’s still just flesh beneath.

Love had always issued out of the places that hurt the most.

The louder you bellyache, the longer your stomach will hurt.

The obstacles of life is meant to make us better, not bitter.

It hurt, and that is not a euphemism. It hurt like a beating.

Not all truths hurt. And not all that is hurtful is truthful.