The abandonment came, and now this shabby bacchanal.

I like 'em big. And stupid. Don't tell my husband.

Tweeting lovebirds turn into roaring bears after marriage.

Those who see women as slaves always treat them like rag

No wife wants to hear that her husband is less than perfect.

I played possum. I did this, as the possum does, out of fear.

Christlikeness means to live and act as Christ lived and acted.

Be the type of man a wife would cherish and a child would admire.

You know you found the right one when you stop looking for "more.

A husband and wife honor God when they love and honor each other.

I feel angry but not homocidal; this may be unlooked-for progress.

Your wife is your life. Don't let strife thrive in your union.

God will bless you and your marriage when you follow His blueprint.

For poor taste in husbands, her judgment rivaled Anne Boleyn's.

The closer a husband is to God, the closer he will grow to his wife.