Why haven't I got a husband and children?" mused Greta Garbo to the Dutchess of Windsor, "I never met a man I could marry.

Then he returned to Mabel and put his mouth to her ear. I'd never let anything happen to you. You know that, don't you?

A salary is, to a man's employer, what his wife's vagina is to his wife: a tool used to (1) reward; and (2) control him.

If you have the woman you love, what more do you need? Well, besides an alibi for the time of her husband’s murder.

Every morning the first thing I do is serve my husband a bowl full of praises. More then his stomach I try to keep his ego full.

It’s important to have a husband that lives and believes the same way you do. Otherwise, you’re asking for problems.

Cecie keeps telling him she’d like to take him home some night, husband or no. The Minotaur waits hopefully. Husband or no.

Put first things first and we get second things thrown in:Put second things first and we lose both first things and second things.

You contribute much to your marriage by the wise, thrifty, diligent management and oversight of your part of the household budget.

Husband?”“Aye. Husband.”“The slow-witted one that’s been following you? I thought hewas your servant.

Suki Bridgewater: I shivered, despite the heat from the sun. “I’m married,” I whispered. “I love my husband.

Your commitment to follow God's plan makes a difference in the atmosphere in your home and improves the climate of your marriage.

Flannel shirts should be outlawed for ex husbands; I realize this now. Flannel shirts are to women what crotchless panties are to men.

A Muslim must not hate his wife and if he be displeased with one bad quality in her, then let him be pleased with another that is good.

Her best friend was gone and nobody understood that no amount of makeup, fresh air or shopping was going to fill the hole in her heart.