It takes 10 minutes to fry one steak – 5 minutes from each side. Two steaks can fit on a pan. What is the shortest possible time to fry 3 steaks?

A boy has as many sisters as brothers, but each sister has only half as many sisters as brothers. How many brothers and sisters are there in the family?

I have 25 coins that are made up of dimes (10¢), nickels (5¢) and pennies (1¢). They add up to a dollar. How many coins of each do I have?

In a rectangular array of people, who will be taller: the tallest of the shortest people in each column, or the shortest of the tallest people in each row?

A patient is given five different tablets to take at night at an interval of 15 minutes. How long will it take the patient to consume all the five tablets?

If you have 30 white socks, 22 black socks and 14 blue socks scattered across the floor in the dark, how many would you have to grab to get a matching pair?

If I put one canary per cage, I have one canary too many. If I put in two canaries per cage, I have one cage too many. How many canaries and cages do I have?

A prisoner is told, “If you tell a lie we will hang you; but if you tell the truth we will shoot you”. What can the prisoner say to save himself?

Only one of the following statements is true, which one is it? One statement here is false. Two statements here are false. Three statements here are false.

We have a 100 foot piece of ribbon. If it takes one second to cut it into a 1 foot strip how long would it take to cut the entire ribbon into one foot strips?

A farmer built a fence around his 17 cows, in a square shaped region. He used 27 fence poles on each side of the square. How many poles did he need altogether?

There is a dead frog in the center of a pond. If it hops one meter at a time and it is three meters from the edge, how many hops does it take to reach the edge.

There are four days that start with the letter ‘T’. Two of them are ‘Tuesday’ and ‘Thursday’. Can you name the remaining two?

A truck driver is going opposite traffic on a one way street. A police officer sees him but doesn’t stop him. Why didn’t the police officer stop him?

You have 12 black socks and 12 white socks in your drawer. What is the minimum number of socks that you have to take out to make sure that you have a matching pair?