I have learned in life to be happy regardless of life circumstancesI have learned in life to be humble in greatnessI have learned in life to respect everyone and not to look down upon othersI have learned in life that time changes; the weak can be strong and the strong can be the weakI have learned in life that a single day to wake up after a night sleep in good strength is the richest day in lifeI have learned in life that words can be a blessing and a curseI have learned in life to be content but not to be a mediocreI have learned in life to take my time but be poised to dareI have learned in life that the river we use is the river that can use usI have learned in life that the rich are rich because the poor are poor I have learned in life that regardless of how rich you are, you need free air to live freelyI have learned in life that taking the lead doesn't mean being the championI have learned in life that every one is a prey to someoneI have learned in life that we all do answer the same life questionsI have learned in life that when you skip one life question, you will answer another life questionI have learned in life that the old can be the young and the young can be the oldI have learned in life that what you spend is what someone receivesI have learned in life that problems are there because people have created themI have learned in life that the seeds we sow are the fruits we eatI have learned in life that the same things that amuses us are the same things that can annoy usI have learned in life that today is tomorrow and tomorrow is todayI have learned in life to be simple but complexI have learned in life that hard work without wisdom is an effort in futilityI have learned in life that the tongues that hail are the tongues that abuseI have learned in life that prayer and faith can work greatly without great worksI have learned in life that the end is much more important than the beginning I have learned in life to ponder to wonde

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