In one poll, only 62 percent of respondents “could correctly identify what issue Roe v. Wade was about. Even those who have some understanding of a law often disagree about its meaning, so we don’t know what people mean when they say they do or don’t approve of Roe v. Wade. What do they think it says? Abortion opponents claim Roe guarantees legal abortion more or less at will through all nine months of pregnancy because, while it permits states to ban it during the last trimester, it mandates an exception for the life and health of the mother—that supposedly interstate-highway-broad exception mentioned by Paul Ryan. This is what abortion opponents are referring to when they say Roe permits abortion the day before birth. In The Party of Death, the conservative writer Ramesh Ponnuru claims most people don’t know about the health exception: They think Roe makes it impossible to get a third-trimester abortion except to save the woman’s life.26 Would more people support Roe if they knew how hard it is to obtain a late-second-trimester abortion in most of the country, let alone a third-trimester one? At present, only four doctors are known to perform abortions in “the last three months of pregnancy.27 If people knew how few abortions are performed after twenty-four weeks, and how serious are the problems that lead women to seek them out, would more of them support Roe? Or would more people reject Roe if they knew about the health exception, because, like Paul Ryan, they think “health” is just an excuse? We don’t know.”.

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