And sometimes I get carried away, that's all. If you weren't so...judgemental all the time-""Am I? I don't think I am . I try not to be. I just don't..." She stopped herself speaking, shook her head. "I know you've been through a lot, in the last few years, and I've tried to understand that, really I have, with your mum and all, but...""Go on," he said."I just don't think you're the person I used to know. You're not my friend anymore. That's all."He could think of nothing to say to this, so they stood in silence, until Emma put her hand out, took two fingers of his hand, squeezed them in her palm."Maybe...maybe this is it, then," she said. "Maybe it's just over.""Over? What's over?""Us. You and me. Friendship. There are things I needed to talk to you about, Dex. About Ian and me. If you're my friend I should be able to talk to you but I can't, and if I can't talk to you, well, what is the point of you? Of us?""'What's the point?'""You said yourself, people change, no use getting sentimental about it. Move on, find someone else.""Yeah, but I didn't mean us...""Why not?""Because we' We're Dex and Em. Aren't we?"Emma shrugged. "Maybe we've grown out of each other."He said nothing for a moment, then spoke. "So, do you think I've grown out of you, or you've grown out of me?"She wiped her nose with the back of her hand. "I think you think I'm....dreary. I think you think I cramp your style. I think you've lost interest in me.""Em I do not think you're dreary.""And neither do I! Neither do I! I think I'm fucking marvellous if you only knew it, and I think you used to think so too! But if you don't or if you're going to just take it for granted, then that's fine. I'm just not prepared to be treated like this anymore.""Treated like what?"She sighed, and it was a moment before she spoke."Like you always want to be somewhere else, with someone else."He would have denied this, but the Cigarette Girl was waiting in the restaurant at that very moment, the number of his mobile phone tucked into her garter. Later he would wonder if there was something else he might have said to save the situation, a joke perhaps. But nothing occurred to him and Emma let go of his hand.

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