if you love someone its never conditional nor is it when you finally open your eyes and realize that that person is perfect for you.. and its certainly not when its convenient for you and most of all its not when you become guilty when that person is no longer there to where you decide that you made a mistake because to me love is unconditional, love is not conveinient because love is shy, its quiet, its heartfelt, and its always there no matter what mistakes you make or no matter what you look like on the outside it only depends on what you show on the inside and if their belief is that sex is love their love is wrong and deceitful and those are the kinds of people who don't deserve to be loved they only deserve to be alone and I say that because I'm one of those people who doesnt believe that sex is love because love is its own word, love is the way that you feel about someone, love is comfort, love is dedication, love is not ignoring someone just because you are so afraid to love them just because everyone else doesnt because you still do and that's all that matters, love is never afraid to shout to the rooftops of how much that someone means to you no matter how many people know it, and most of all love is when someone notices the pain in your heart or the pain on your face and does whatever he or she can to make you feel less alone and I don't know what thats like because every woman who I ever had feelings for always made me feel unwanted, unloved, unimortant, and unworthy, and it felt like I wasnt welcome to earn their love and that is why I'm quiet, shy, and why its easy for me to walk away because if its easy for a woman to ignore me and laugh at me then its easy to run than to stick around where you are not welcomed or where you feel alone.

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