Jack was mid-jump when I burst into my room. I snatched his ankle, flipping him horizontal. He crashed down hard to my bed and rolled off onto the floor.And laughed."Let's do that again! But this time I'll jump even higher.""No! No, you won't! What are you doing here?"He sat up on the floor and shrugged. "I was bored.""I don't care! I'm not your babysitter!"His blue eyes twinkled. Honestly, whose eyes actually twinkle? Then his face crumpled, his lower lip jutting out. He blinked his ridiculously long eyelashes at me. "I thought we werefriends.""Oh, knock it off.""Come on." He jumped up and grabbed my hand. "Let's do something fun.""I can't! I have to work, and then I have a date.""Frying-pan boy again? I thought you guys broke up.""No! Why would we break up?"Jack shrugged. "Dunno. He didn'tseem thrilled last time I saw him. Whatever, though. I wanted to checkand make sure you were okay. Looks like you are, although I still say he's boring. Can he take you to see krakens?""No way! Really? Those are real? I've always wanted to-" I stopped, taking a deep breath. "Seriously. I'm busy. Withmy boyfriend." This time I thought I saw a flash of something genuine in his disappointed expression. Great. Another person I was letting down. I knew where he was coming from, though. If all he had to choose from were the Center and the Faerie Realms, well, he deserved a friend. "Can I take a rain check? Weekends are busy for me."He shrugged, his perma smile back in all its dimpled glory. "You'd probably figure out a way to nearly get killed, anyway."Arianna cleared her throat loudly from the doorway. I'd charged in right past her without explaining, and no doubt I'd have to do so now. Problem was figuring out what to explain."Oh, umm, Arianna, this is Jack. He, uh, well, what did he tell you?"She rolled her eyes, the kohl-rimmed, chocolate brown glamour ones mimicking the actions of her milky white corpse eyes. "He said he was here to inspect the beds. I figured he was one of your old friends.""No, he's not-well, kind of. He's not a faerie, he's human, but, uh-" I hadn't told Arianna about my new arrangement with IPCA. Lend was already mad enough about it; I didn'twant my roommate being annoyed with me, too."Jack." He flashed her his most melt-worthy grin and stuck out a hand. "Definitely human, but-" he took her hand and pressed his lips to it "-I might be willing to try out an alternate lifestyle if it meant getting to know you better.""Umm, eew?" Arianna pulled back her hand, her face disgusted but a smile tugging at one corner of her mouth. "Eternal life is bad enough without giving it to pests like you."He sighed heavily. "Girls are mean. At least faeries simply kill you if they don't want you around." He put a hand on the wall, leaning against it and tapping his foot impatiently."Where are you going?" I asked,feeling guilty for not being able to hang out with him."To find a faerie to kill me, of course." He winked at us, then pretended to fall straight through when the faerie door opened. Even Arianna laughed as the door closed behind him."Where did you find that one?""I have no idea. I'm a magnet for crazies, I guess.""They must be able to sense a kindred spirit.

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