Tonight, two kids ask for an alms (they are asking for food) from me. In a moment I remembered the days I was starving, the days I lowered my pride and dignity just to ask something but in returned I was declined, those were one of my painful days. In an instant I wonder how many days did these kids suffer from those days, I mentioned. The starvation and humiliation that I was once experience won't amount anything from what they had experienced everyday. I don't want to regret anything so I smiled and said to them to join with me, they look so happy while approaching. I asked them what they want to eat but they said it's up to me, so to be fair I ordered the same meal for the three of us. While we were eating I felt this guilt inside of my heart, that something is lacking, that something is not enough. And I remembered a saying "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime." I want to do more, more than filling up their hungry stomach but I don't know where to start. I will look forward to the day I know where to start.And as we're about to finish our meals, I prayed silently, "Lord God, please watch and guide them for me" and I heard them saying "Thank you, kuya (older brother)", no amount of anything that could explain the happiness I felt in that moment, I will never forget their smiles and as we part ways the only words I can barely say to them is, "Please be good."I'm posting it here because I know, no one knows me here in GoodReads and none of my friends in real life will find out what I did.I want to help people not because I have to but because I choose to.

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