Gray rested his hand on Aric’s knee. “Sacrificed yourself, j-just like the giants.”“But I didn’t mean to! It’s only… the prince fell over the cliff, and I didn’t think at all, I just moved. I was the tallest and the strongest. I don’t think anyone else could have reached him in time. He was injured pretty badly. But I wasn’t a hero. I saw something that needed to be done, and I did it.”With a low chuckle, Gray squeezed his knee. “Th-that’s what heroes do, Aric.”“But I’m not—”“You s-saved me.”Aric shook his head and then gave a little tug on the chain that attached Gray’s collar to the floor. “You’re still a prisoner.”“You saved me,” Gray repeated firmly to Aric. And then he kissed him.

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