In high school I tried out for the spelling team, but only because I really wanted a letter jacket.

I still have wagon splinters stuck to my ass, from when my high school coach made me ride the bench.

Inside Ms. Maddox's classroom, it was so quiet you could hear the breathing bounce off the walls.

True terror is to wake up one morning and discover that your high school class is running the country.

I’m assuming you have a reason behind this irrational need to conform to this institution." (Eric)

I didn't give it much thought back then. I just wanted to get all the words straight and collect my A.

I grin back and breathe in the sweet smell of sweat, whiteboard marker and fear. The smells of high school.

I am a guy," I say."And I hate boys," she says."But a guy's different," I say."Maybe a little," she says.

Somewhere along the way of my illustrious high school career I traded my humanity for a prison of popularity.

Arkadia wrapped her arms around his waist and laid her head upon the muscular cliff face he called his chest.

It's as if once you hit high school, you're programmed, like a robot, to be an asshole to your parents.

In high school I barely made the rodeo team. But I wasn’t good enough to start, so I just rode the bench.

We all say and do things we regret, but it’s never to late to change, apologize and become a better person

You want to come back to the bank vault?” Jack says.The bank vault. That’s what Jack calls his house.

High School is like a spork: it's a crappy spoon and a crappy fork, so in the end it's just plain useless.