High school is worse than having to swim through multiple prahana filled lakes- and that's before the truckload of homework.

Can't you just like a girl who likes you back?''None of them likes me back. I may as well like the one I really want.

According to Sarah, who had gone two years ago, prom was famous for being an overpriced disappointment where most people had no fun.

They'll try to make you forget who you are or try to make you ashamed. But you mustn't forget and you mustn't be ashamed.

The same boys who got detention in elementary school for beating the crap out of people are now rewarded for it. They call it football.

My love life couldn't be more nonexistent if Julius was all all-girls' boarding school with a moat full of alligators around it.

Brookfield High School. How may I direct your call? No, sir, this is not a waste- disposal unit, I'm afraid you have the wrong number.

High school wasn't a trial by fire or some ordeal that had to be survived. It was all a big joke. You just had to provide the laugh track.

The sudden, painful flare of envy caught me by surprise. I was a loner, my last few years in school. I could have done with a friend like that.

Throw in the intensity of emotions that come with that bittersweet summer sandwiched between high school graduation and the rest of your life...

You don't always get to pick the role you're going to play in life, but it's good to play whatever role you got the best way you can.

Back in high school, I started a gang called “The Illiterates.” To easily identify fellow gang members, we all wore letterman jackets.

High school is neither a democracy nor a dictatorship - nor, contrary to popular belief, an anarchic state. High school is a divine-right monarchy.

In high school I got voted most likely to get voted for something. Even though I was the only one who voted, it still felt terrific being nominated.

High school sucked. It was a universal truth and whoever said these were supposed to be the best years of your life was probably drunk or delusional.