He watched her emerald eyes darken with need until they were the color of the Highland hills warmed by the summer sun.

. . . if you can't see the good man he is, you need to unscrew them eyeballs of yours and try on a different pair.

I would rather be a cripple and have your love for all of a single moment than to live as I am without ever having it.

Cleverness is like rouge - liberal application makes a woman look common and desperate. Wit is knowing how to apply it.

Then, as now, there were always girls who were overlooked and ignored by gentlemen who really should have known better.

From my friend, Brig. General Ezell Ware, Jr., CA Nat'l Guard, Dec.Keep on going till you get there, then keep going.

He'd missed matching wits with her. "Shall we duel with our lips?" "You may find yourself eating grass for breakfast.

If you have always suspected your sister of an inclination to madness, it will be my pleasure to confirm your worst fears.

I point out. It was the most foolish, jape-fisted bit of buffoonery I have ever seen, and I am impressed in spite of that.

Maman’s life was an unfinished book. Celeste had to discover the ending, and then she could close the cover for ever.

Just stop, for once, answering my questions with a question. And, incidentally, it's my concern because I care about you.

...People - the ones who are left behind - desire answers. Even when we are advised from beyond the grave not to pursue them.

She did not want to know what charmhe had used to make her love him so deeply. She did not want to know it wasn’t real.

He didn’t deserve compassion. Sympathy. Not even understanding. He deserved worse, far worse than he had ever been given.

He kept pushing her, expecting for her to break. Fearing it. But he was the one who splintered apart. He was the one who broke.