He had an overwhelming urge to take possession of her lips, silencing any mention of another man’s name.

Strahovito je živjeti razumnom čovjeku u ovo doba kad je zloća podivljala, a dobrota poludjela.

I would feel much better about this whole affair if you would slap me and get it over with. I know you want to.

Midnight Omen Deja vu" - Because everyone should experience love in the Caribbean...at least once in a lifetime.

Samo zlo mora da dršće. Tko je od vas čista srca, taj nema više straha u sebi ni od koga.

Što u ustima i u srcu, neka bude i na djelu. Samo od riječi i od srca još uvijek malo koristi.

I could still box your ears.”“Nonsense,” he scoffed. “You couldn’t reach that high.

If I am ever in the position where I wish to seduce someone I will simply assure her it’s better than rats.

I've never met anyone as kind as you are, except me Mum, o' course." --Benjamin Trimmel to Lady Alexandra.

[Connor, prepared to sacrifice himself to save Sarah]God, I pray, give me the strength to live the next hour well.

..he wanted her.And at another time, as another man, he would have her. Without hesitation. As lover. . . as more.

Release Lady Mirabelle and the kitten or I’ll run you through, skewering your belly, pinching out your life.

Making love with you is even more wonderful than making music."He drew her closer. "Och, Sarah, you _are_ my music.

I've never done this with a woman like you before. Never wanted to. I only know... I don't want it to end.

You are intelligent, you are diplomatic, you are beautiful, and you are and always will be...[he kisses her]...MINE...