As she reached back for the buckle, her fingers met Mr. Meisner’s. She jumped. “I can do this... Sir.”“Ah.” He brushed aside her fingers. “I see you’ve at least remembered the sir.”“One always calls gentlemen that, just as you--”With only a rustle of cloth to warn her, his teeth met in the lobe of her ear, sending a spark into her middle. Like the melt of winter snow, she felt heat pool in her lower body. Her fingers curled against her collarbone where her hands still rested either side of her neck.“I’m not a gentleman, Faith.

Najviše pozornosti treba posvetiti puku, a dosljedno tome njegovoj zemlji, iz koje sve proizlazi, u koju se sve vraća. Nazor manjine da je primila svoje privilegije po milosti Božjoj u svoju vlast jednako je apsurdan kao što bi bio apsurdan vladar koji bi sebi utvarao da zemlja kojom vlada pripada njemu, a ne državljanima; kad bi si vladar utvarao da su milijuni stvoreni za njega. Jer zapravo je vladar ovdje samo zato da milijunima služi! Vladar nije ništa drugo nego vrhovni činovnik države. Vladar, to nije čast, to je dužnost prema narodu.

Linnet’s thudding heart raced blood through her veins, sending a flush of embarrassing heat to her face. She had been avoiding him, but she could never tell him why. It took all her discipline not to quail under Sir Anthony’s penetrating gaze. Blast the man. She’d lost count of the times he’d made her feel like a blushing maiden. Strictly speaking, she was still a maiden, but she’d given up blushing years ago—along with simpering, flirting, and so many other talents deemed useful to unmarried women. Except, of course, in Sir Anthony’s august presence.

Happy? Most of the time? Happiness is always a fleeting thing," he said, "It never rests upon anyone as a permanent state, though many of us persist in believing in the foolish idea that if this would just happen or that we would be happy for the rest of our lives. I know moments of happiness just as most other people do. Perhaps I have learned to find it in ways that would pass some people by. I feel the summer heat here at this moment and see the trees and the water and hear that invisible gull overhead. I feel the novelty of having company when I usually come here alone. And this moment brings me happiness.

Nicholas broke the seal and scanned the contents. He looked up at Marcus with a chuckle. “Why, it appears you may get your wish for perpetual bachelorhood after all. She wants to end your engagement.”Marcus started from his chair. “The hell she does! What’s possessed her?”“Perhaps she realizes your extreme reluctance to tie the knot after waiting…what is it? Five years since your betrothal announcement?”“Six,” Marcus snapped. “But who’s counting.”“Perhaps Miss Trent?” Nick needled with a quirk of his lips.- A BREACH OF PROMISE

My father prided himself on maintaining traditions that were hundreds of years old. You'll feel as if you've stepped back into the eighteenth century."Her brows lifted in surprise. He could see the wheels turning in her clever brain, but she chose merely to nod, and perversely, though he knew he would not like it, he wanted to know what she was thinking. "Go on. Say it.""It is nothing. Only - you are very much a man of the nineteenth century.""You mean you're not surprised I left such a backward place.""Such a backward place must be crying out for a man like you." Ainsley pushed her windswept hair out of her eyes.

Questo folle uomo mi sta facendo tornare la gioia di vivere, quella gioia che avevo perso alla vista del corpo di mia madre privo di vita e che era stata sostituita, col tempo, da semplice gioia. Esiste una profonda, ma ineffabile, differenza tra la gioia e la gioia di vivere e sono pochi coloro i quali riescono a coglierla. La gioia è solo un aspetto esteriore, quasi un accessorio posto sul nostro corpo, mentre la Gioia di vivere, quella con la G maiuscola, è un modo di essere, una parte dell’essenza dell’individuo. È un qualcosa che si sente dentro." cit. Silvia Devitofrancesco, "Lo specchio del tempo

Sometimes time can play tricks. One moment it idles by, an hour can seem a lifetime, such as when sitting by the river at dusk watching the bats snatching insects above the limpid waters; the breaching fish causing ringed ripples and a satisfying plop. Other times, time flashes by in an immodest fashion. So it is with the start of war. First time quivers with the last strum of a wonderful peace, the note holding in the air, mysterious and haunting, filling the listener with awe. Then, with a rising crescendo the terror starts with uncouth haste; with a boom the listener is shaken from their reverie and delivered into the servitude, of an ear-shattering cacophony.

This explains so much," she said, clucking her tongue in mother-hen fashion. "You're compensating for this withered appendage."Withered appendage? What the devil was she talking about? He shook his head, trying to clear it. Colin's dire predictions of shriveled twigs and dried currants rattled in his skull. Wide awake now, he fought to sit up, wrestling the sheets."Listen, you. I don't know what sort of liberties you've taken while I was insensible, or just what your spinster imagination prepared you to see. But I'll have you know, that water was damned cold."She blinked at him. "I'm referring to your leg.""Oh." His leg. That withered appendage

It was likely her due, then, that a familiar voice halted her progress just as she started to ascend the staircase. “You’ve certainly turned the afternoon on its head.” Lucas regarded her with a wry smile from the first landing, his thick brown hair blending into an exceptionally large portrait of Gravethorne’s favorite hounds. “How does it feel to be the most notorious debutante in London?”Sparring with Lucas Bellamy held little appeal to her at the moment, but Amy was incapable of letting a jab go unanswered. She gripped the decorative knob on the newel post and lifted her chin. “Slightly inconvenienced yet decidedly more powerful, I think.

-Tomo! Vi imate - suza? (...) -Recite zbog čega vas je snašla tolika bol da vam se srce rasplakalo? Trenutak šutnje, a onda on odvrati šapatom koji odaje teški napor: -Obeščašćujem vas time što sam ovdje! (...) -Da mogu popraviti to, kneginjice, pretvorio bih sve što je gore na palubi živo u leševe. -Pa ipak ste život svoj žigosali za sva vremena - sramotnim imenom viteza otimača. -Vitez otimač slavan je i častan prema onom mom drugom nedjelu. -Ubojica ste? -Mnogo gore. (...) -Što ste još? -Svetogrdnik! -Svetogrdnik? Kakvu ste to svetinju pogrdili? -Vas! Vas...

Would you like me to court you?” the earl finally asked.YES. She smoothed her hands over her skirts to keep from confessing it aloud. “I would like to know if you are,” she replied. “Or what your intentions are, if you aren’t.”“My intentions . . .” His slow smile acted like a torch held to her skin. She felt prickly with heat and yet transfixed by the glowing allure of it. “I intend to have you, Maggie, in every way a man can have a woman. I want your hand in mine while we dance. I want you laughing beside me in the theater. I want you lying naked in my arms at night. And I want you standing beside me in church, saying ‘I will.’

They had pulled me from the hemorrhaging, dying body of my mother and turned me over to the care of the man who was not my father. He had taken me home to their tiny apartment above the old hardware store and done what little he knew to take care of me.It took less than six weeks for him to realize his mistake. Maybe even less than six hours, but he never abandoned me. He clung to me as though I was the last remnant of some great and powerful love.And that gave me hope that maybe my mother was really something else and not just some girl who got knocked up by a guy whose name she didn’t even know. She was something special, someone worthy of a man’s loyalty and devotion.--Rocky Evans

I bid you welcome to a new Utopia where men may be free of the so-called moral subjugations and constraints, and where for a time we may shake off those bonds of servitude wherein we are so tyrrannously enslaved." "You are the humanist,George, not I- what the deuce does he natter on about?" "Mostly whores and Booze," George replied with a grin. Sandwidh contined while rapping once more upon the door, "Man is led into vice only when he is denied, my friends; for it is his nature to long after things forbidden and to desire most fervently what is denied." "Another translation?" Philip asked George. "Whores and booze... in boundless supply." "Ah,"Philip said. "I stand in renewed appreciation of the philosophers.

Mintha megnyílt volna alatta a föld. Ő pedig zuhanni kezdett a végtelen, rémisztő sötétségbe, de egy cseppet sem félt, mert az, akiben a világon a legjobban bízott, ott volt vele, vigyázott rá, szorosan fogta. Hallotta erős, gyors szívverését, érezte karja erejét, teste forróságát. Szája magabiztosan, melegen, gyengéden, mégis határozottan simult az övére, nyelve óvatosan kért bebocsájtást, neki pedig nem volt, nem lehetett más választása, megadta magát. Ő is ezt akarta.