Sometimes we dont value the good things that we have until their gone.We dont value friends we have until they left us.We dont value the jobs we have until we are unemployed.We dont value the partners that we love and we are in with in a relationship, until they have left just. We dont value our families , until they left you.We dont value people and foreigners until they have left us. The problem with everyone is. Everyone care when its too late.Today in the memory of what happen. Take time off and look at what you have. Look what surround you. We people we always want more ,but our hands are already full of other things we are not using or appreciating.For example you want to take more pictures but your phone is full of old ones you are not viewing.You want to copy music but there is music in your phone you are not listening to.Memory is full. Before you get more just appreciation what you have. For some thats more than enough to keep us going. ‪

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